If He Says the Word


  Powerful piece for Holy Week and especially Good Friday, but can be used any time.

Just the night before the crucifixion, in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus told his captors that if He were to say the word, His Father would send down legions of angels, but it was for this time he had come. Now it is Friday, heaven is on red alert, because Jesus is on the cross. Two angels ,in angel fatigue garb, await the word that will set the rescue mission in motion should he choose to get out of there.

Instead Christ does the incomprehensible for angels who don’t understand grace; he dies offering forgiveness to the very ones who treated Him with contempt. The angel lieutenant, who desired so badly to go down and save his Lord, is given new orders, to be the one to stand by the tomb on the morning when Christ rises from the dead. This is a powerful piece. Needs two good actors.

2 Men or 1 Woman, 1 Man - 15 Minutes

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